Are you struggling with acne?
So was I, for years. After coming off the Yasmin pill in 2015 my skin sky rocketed from never having a spot in my life to painful, horrific cystic acne. Fast forward 3 years, I read a book that quite literally changed my life. "Let's Play Doctor" by Dr Joel Wallach states that almost every ailment is due to some kind of mineral or vitamin deficiency. He has proven that acne is a meer Vitamin A deficiency. He stated that taking a vast amount of Beta Carotene daily for 5 months would rid you of all acne, and here I am today - completely acne free. After years of tears, trials, countless errors, and broken promises , I have finally found the winning formula.
My YouTube Channel
CLICK HERE to watch how i healed my painful cystic hormonal acne👇🏻